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Why use Colaboratory notebook as a programmer?

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 Colab notebook is a valuable tool for beginners seeking experience and seasoned datascientists aiming to enhance their ML and AI projects. Check out this tutorial to grasp the fundamentals.

Why use Colaboratory notebook as a programmer?
Why use Colaboratory notebook as a programmer?

 For those new to machine learning and AI. accessing large data sets or significant computational resources can be challenging. Colaboratory notebook offers a solution by providing a free platform that includes GPUs, TPUs, and Python libraries, allowing you to gain practical experience and enhance your skills and the biggest benefit that you can run Python code without IDE.

This tutorial will guide you through the basics of Google Colab and how to get started with it.

What is Colaboratory notebook?

Google Colaboratory, commonly known as Colab, is a cloud-based version of Jupyter Notebook that allows you to write and run Python code directly in your web browser.

Jupyter Notebook is a free, open-source tool developed by the Jupyter Project. It functions like an interactive lab notebook, combining notes, data, and executable code that can manipulate that data. The results of the code can be displayed within the notebook itself. While applications like Matlab and Mathematica were early adopters of this model, Jupyter stands out as a web-based application.

Colaboratory notebook is built on the Jupyter framework and allows you to use Jupyter notebooks without needing to install any software locally. Although Jupyter supports various programming languages, including Python, Julia, and R, Colaboratory notebook currently focuses solely on Python.

Notebooks created in
Colaboratory notebook are saved in your Google Drive and can be shared with others, similar to other files in Google Drive. They feature an autosave function, but they do not allow for simultaneous editing, meaning collaboration must occur sequentially.

Colaboratory notebook free to use, it does come with certain restrictions. Some types of code, such as media serving and cryptocurrency mining, are prohibited. Resource availability can also fluctuate based on demand, although Colaboratory notebook does offer a pro version with more consistent resources. Other cloud-based services that utilize Jupyter Notebook include Microsoft’s Azure Notebooks and Amazon’s SageMaker Notebooks.

To use Colaboratory notebook, you need a Google account.
When you first access it, you'll encounter a Welcome To Colaboratory notebook that includes links to introductory videos and essential information about using Colab.
To create a new workbook, go to the File menu and select New Notebook.

 Notebooks are designed for collaboration, featuring elements that support organized documentation. 

To share your project with friends, all you have to do is copy the link above.
You can add Python code to run in a code cell. This code can function independently or utilize different Python libraries.

A notebook can serve as a continuous record of your work, where previous code snippets may be ignored in favor of newer ones, or it can be seen as a dynamic collection of code blocks meant for continuous execution. The Runtime menu provides execution choices like Run all, Run before, or Run the focused cell to accommodate either method.

click here to show more options:

All options of Running Code in here:

 For large projects to work, you need to change the runtime type to T4 GPU:

