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Solving Library Installation Issues in Python (pip is not recognized)

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To check if PIP is installed on a Windows system. note that PIP is automatically installed with Python in lastes version. However. depending on how Python is installed. perhaps PIP is not  available on the system. Before installing PIP on a Windows system. check if it is already installed:

Open the Command Prompt window by pressing the Windows key + X and clicking on Run.

Type `cmd.exe` and press Enter.
Alternatively, type `cmd` in the Windows search bar and click on the "Command Prompt" icon.

  pip help

Solving Library Installation Issues in Python (pip is not recognized)
Solving Library Installation Issues in Python (pip is not recognized)

If you receive an error message from PIP indicating that the command pip is not recognized, follow one of the methods below to install it.

**Installing PIP on Windows Using**

Use cURL to download the installation file and follow additional configuration steps after installation. Follow these steps to install PIP using this method.

**Step 1: Download**

Before installing PIP, download the file. Run the following command using cURL in the Command Prompt:

  curl -o

Step 2: Install PIP on Windows

To install pip, run the following command using Python:


Step 3: Verify the Installation

To check if the installation was successful, type the following command:

  python -m pip help

Step 4: Add PIP to the PATH

 To add PIP to the PATH so it can be run from any location as an independent command, follow these steps:

1. Open the Start menu, search for "environment variables," and press enter 

2. Click on the "Environment Variables" button.

3. Double-click on the "Path" variable to edit it.

4. Click "New" and add the folder where PIP is installed.

5. Click "OK" to save the changes.

If you don’t know where PIP is installed, press the Start menu, search for `pip`, then click "Open file location" and copy the path from the address.

